[SOLVED] Laravel Validating Route Parameters


If you plan to do this directly in your controller method you can do something like:

public function getUser(Request $request)
$request->merge(['id' => $request->route('id')]);
'id' => [

To do this in a custom FormRequest class, add the following:

protected function prepareForValidation() 
$this->merge(['id' => $this->route('id')]);

or if you use model binding, example is Post, then

protected function prepareForValidation() 
$this->merge(['id' => $this->route('post')]);

And in your rules method:

public function rules()
return [
'id' => [





Budiaramdhan Rindi

Currently work as Coder since 2011 and still have to learn. Dota 2 and Football Manager are the games I still play to stay fresh.